Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Wow I can type...sort of!

I know it’s been awhile since my last blog but hey I have been busy! Really…ok not really!

My friend Jessie has also started a blog and you can read what he has to say at Jessies blog on his RPG world .

Anyway reading his and seeing that he has involved his son and his friend in the wonderful world of rpg’s just makes me think of how bad my son Jonathan wants to play (he is 6!). I am looking forward to the day I can include him in my favorite hobby, now he gets to play a lilttle now as I let him role the dice in my home game sometimes. Man do his eyes light up, and the smile is ear to ear. I can see his face now as I tell him to go get “his” dice! This is the type of look a dad lives for, pure joy!

Well whats new with me…just getting over a nasty case of phnumonia (sp?) was in the hospital and all! Lucky me, I was out of work for a solid week, but I did manage to kick it and get back to work.

Oh and happy news my wife got a job with the state as well and is a now a supervisor in a accounting dept for the state. I am also working very hard to get a good friend of mine Darren a job here at AZDEQ with me.

On the rpg front I was bitten by the GURPS bug thanks to Jessie! but I have to say I am really enjoying the game and it’s mechanics and the ability to portray anykind of genre and or theme. Now if they can just get the character builder out that would be great.

Well I will try and update a lilttle more regularly. Till then peace.


Brian I said...

Wow - I keep forgetting the lil' guy is 6. Yea, he'll be ready to roll the dice soon enough. You telling him bedtime stories? My Dad used to tell me and my brother the best Western bedtime stories when we were really little. Heh.

John said...

Yeah it still hits me in the jaw sometimes that...hey you big oaf! Your a DAD! and as all dads have said in all the years before ...Hey I have a great kid!

And I am glad he has such cool uncles! Dare I say Das uber uncles!