Monday, March 29, 2004

I have been silent!

Well my best bud turned me on to the software Blogjet (see blog below) and I must say very cool!


I have been silent with what I call life 101! You know the things that get in the way of the things you want to do! Well I have been stuck in life 101 for the last 2 months! But it looks like I am getting a poardon from the mayor (er that would be my wife!) We are trying to buy our first house and get all of our bills squared away. Man no easy task let me tell you. But I have set a goal to have my lil' bro paid off (you know who you are!). and to get my retirement in order. I have a great 401k plan at work and am getting the most out of it and with my wifes job I hope to be in a house by the end of summer early winter the latest.

Wish me luck!


Mr. Mean